The ox person is a methodical worker. Patience and attention to detail are two of their strongest attributes. They enjoy helping out others with difficult tasks to accomplish. It is this sense of accomplishment that drives them. It will need to do so as they will often work for many hours with little progress to show for it. Their plodding nature leads many people to dismiss their intellectual powers, but do not fall for this misconception. Oxen have active and bright minds. Their intelligence and tenacious work ethic can bring them success. Their balance and strength inspire confidence, yet oxen can seem stubborn and slow. Their are two distinct types of Oxen. Oxen born in spring and fall are laborers, like a farmer's ox would be, and will work hard all their life. Those born when the crops are growing or in winter are afforded lives of luxury as a farmer must insure the ox is well cared for until it is needed.
Colors: Black, green, dark green.
© 1998 Andrew William Broer ALL RIGHTS RESERVED