Mitch Adler's Home Page


My theory on life: Life should be fun.

If it's not fun, don't do it. Sounds silly; It isn't always practical, but hey, it does wonders for the stress level.

Cool People I know, have known or will know?

Strangely enough, mostly engineers, though lots of cool people. They are all supposed to have links, but I have yet to ask permission to put email addressses here (Hey, if you're here and would like a mailto link, send me mail!).

Why do you care who I know? You probably don't, but I want to list some of my friends here to brag and to introduce you to them, beacuse I think they're cool.

I'm certain to have missed some, so if you're not here and wondering about it be drop me a line, I most likely just forgot in the frenzie to get something on the web.

Diane Patterson
My sister-in-law and a cool person who also happens to keep an online journal, in which I happen to be mentioned occasionally.
Darin Adler
Diane's Husband and my older brother whom a few have actually mistaken for me.
Scott Adler
My younger, musically inclined yet software engineer brother
Nevin ":-)" Liber
Some engieer guy whom I roomed with for a few years. He's pretty smart, and an engineer, too.
John Townsend
Danelle Townsend 
"The Townsends," He's an engineer I worked with at Taligent. She's a grade school teacher.
Eric Berdahl
Some fool I work with every day.
Leon Phillips
An old friend form High School who, last I heard, was attempting to educate the masses in Mathematics.
David Boevers
Another old friend form High School with whom I discovered Ultimate, a great sport that we both still play. He's off in Las Vegas doing production services for shows and such.
Ken Badertscher
Don't let Ken work at the same company with John, every time they do it self destructs. I worked with him at Taligent, too. QED.
Andy Broer
A Nice Guy(tm) who doesn't take crap from no one and will try to find out how lewd he has to be to make you blush. Yep, met him at Taligent.
John McKee
A skydiving fool who knows quite a bit about keeping those darn computers working.
Morgen Kimbrell
Yet another Taligent friend, she was the librarian. A silly game player, she always wins WizWar.
Paul Beusterian
Another talented engineer and friend from Taligent.
Tantek Çelik
A talented engineer I didn't meet at Taligent, I met him while we were both interns at Apple during what I like to call the "summer of fun"
Peter Anspach
The creator of the Evil Overloard list and several humorous parodies.

Cool Places on the web

I have some cool places to put here, but it's late, I'll put 'em up later.


© Copyright 1999 Mitch Adler